Erkamka na Adonai

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor
of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

In two previous posts (see the links below), I discussed the meaning of the divine name El Shaddai.  When I wrote my first post, I mentioned that this name for God had inspired a beautiful Christian song by Michael Card titled “El Shaddai.”

This song has been popularized by Amy Grant.  The song is known and loved by many Christians and it is sung in Christian churches regularly.  The song begins with these words:

El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El Elyon na Adonai
Age to age You’re still the same
By the power of Your name.
El Shaddai, El Shaddai, Erkamka na Adonai
We will praise and lift You high
El Shaddai.

Although Christians love and sing this song often, few Christians know the meaning of the words “Erkamka na Adonai.”  I have asked several Christians if they know the meaning of “Erkamka na Adonai” and I have never found a person who knows the origin and meaning of these words.

In fact, when someone asked the meaning of Erkamka in Yahoo, the answer was: “This is a mixture of Hebrew and gibberish. It means nothing at all.”

After I finished writing my posts on El Shaddai, I decided to write a post on “Erkamka na Adonai” and explain the origin and meaning of these three words.  I will begin explaining these words in reverse order.

Before I explain the meaning of these words, it will be necessary to quote the Hebrew text in order to clarify the meaning of Erkamka na Adonai. If you do not see the Hebrew fonts as you read this post or if the words look like gibberish in your computer, you will need to download the Biblical fonts and install them on your computer.

Download the biblical fonts here.  If you install the Biblical fonts on your computer, you will always be able to see the Hebrew and Greek letters on your computer screen.  You will even be able to print Hebrew and Greek words.

Adonai (Hebrew: אֲדֹנַי):

The word “Adonai” is a title applied to God.  The word is translated “Lord” or “My Lord.”  In English translations of the Bible, it is necessary to differentiate between the words “Lord” and “LORD.”  Every time the word “Lord” is used in the Bible, the Hebrew behind the word is “Adonai.”  Every time the word “LORD” is used, the Hebrew behind the word is “YHWH.”

In the post-exilic period, most Jews refused to speak the divine name in public.  So, the Masoretes wrote the vowels of Adonai with the consonants for the divine name YHWH.  In translation, this hybrid name became “Jehovah” (see my post on “Jehovah” here).

Na (Hebrew: נָּא []):

The Hebrew word is a particle of entreaty or exhortation.  This means that when the word is used in the text, it carries the idea of  “please,” “I pray,” or “now.”  A good example of its use is found in Genesis 12:13.  Abraham, speaking to Sarah said: “I pray thee” (Genesis 12:13 KJV); “Please” (Genesis 12:13 NAS).

Another good example is found in Psalm 118:25, where the psalmist praying to the Lord said: “We beseech Thee, O LORD, save now” (Psalm 118:25 JPS).  The expression “save now” in Hebrew is hôshî‘ânā .  The same expression was used by the people of Jerusalem when they welcomed Jesus with these words: “Hosanna” (Mark 11:9), or as the Complete Jewish Bible translates: “Please! Deliver us.”


This word comes from the beginning words of Psalm 18:1.  In Hebrew, this verse reads:

אֶרְחָמְךָ֖ יְהוָ֣ה חִזְקִֽי

The transliteration of these Hebrew words into English reads as follows:

‘erḥāmeḵā yhwh ḥizqî

The English Bibles translate the expression as “I love you, O LORD, my strength” (Psalm 18:1 ESV).

The Hebrew word for love is רׇחַם ( rāḥam), a words that means “to have mercy,” “to be compassionate.”  This is the same root for the word translated “womb” in the English Bible.  Psalm 18:1 is the only example in the Hebrew Bible where Yahweh appears as the object of the verb rāḥam.  The use of the verb with the meaning of love appears to reflect the influence of Aramaic.  For this reason, some authors have proposed different readings, but these proposals have not found acceptance among scholars.

But how did the Hebrew ‘erḥāmeḵā become “Erkamka”?  It is possible that when the song was written, the author used the transliteration of the word found in the Strong Concordance.  Strong transliterates the word rāḥam as “rakham.”  Thus, the word ‘erḥāmeḵā would be translated “erkamka,” by dropping the “h” of “rakham” and by not using the half-vowel “e.”

The word Erkamka as it appears in the song has two problems.  The first problem is that the Hebrew letter ח should be translated with a “h” and not a “k.”  The second problem is that the second sheva in the Hebrew word is a vocal sheva and not silent, thus there should be a half-vowel (a small “e” after the מ), the “m” of Erkamka.

When asked for the meaning of “Erkamka na Adonai,” Michael Card wrote that the expression means “We will love You, Oh, Lord.”

The ESV translates Psalm 18:1 as follows: “I love you, O LORD.”
The Complete Jewish Bible translates the verse as follows: “I love you, ADONAI.”

The verb ‘erḥāmeḵā is first person.  The correct translation is “I love you,”not “we will love you.” The particle is not in the Hebrew text.  So, it is possible that the “” was introduced into the song under the influence of the English translation (the “O” in “O LORD”).

What is the lesson Christians should learn from the mistransliteration of Erkamka na Adonai?  The lesson is that when trying to discover how to transliterate Hebrew words into English, one must be aware of the problem in using Strong’s Concordance.

Card, Michael, Immanuel: Reflections on the Life of Christ. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1990. Pp. 200, 201.

Posts on El Shaddai:

El Shaddai – Part 1

El Shaddai – Part 2

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary



Find my books on Amazon (Click here).

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88 Responses to Erkamka na Adonai

  1. Kim Biegacki says:

    Wow, this is a great post! I love reading your blogs and always learn something new. Thanks for sharing Dr. Claude Mariottini. Kim

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kim,

      Thank you for your comment. I hope other people will read this post so that they may learn the true meaning of these three words.

      Claude Mariottini

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you Claude, I’m a fairly new Christian, but love digging into His word. Understanding Hebrew and Greek meanings, has given me so much insight. I am so thankful that I go to a church that is more interested in teaching growth than filling seats. Actually it does both. The Bible says to continually grow. I think I’m going to start reading some of your previous blogs.


      • Shirley,

        Thank you for visiting my blog. If you look at the Archive section of the blog, you will find several posts that may help you.

        Claude Mariottini


    • Evelyn says:

      Thank you Dr. Claude. I have loved this song since i was a child, and i just wanted to understand what i was singinging. I also noticed ”LORD” and “Lord”, despite Psalm18 being one of my favourite chapter. I just saw it now.
      is the Strong’s Concordance in accurate, rather what would you suggest as an alternative?


      • Evelyn,

        I agree with you. This is a beautiful song.

        Strong concordance is accurate. I believe that the author of the song did not know how to use the concordance.

        Thank you for visiting my blog.

        Claude Mariottini


  2. Lydia Bell says:

    Thanks so much for your post! I goggled these words to try to find the true meaning. I love the song “El Shaddai” and wanted to understand the true meaning. Glad I found this.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Lydia,

      Thank you for visiting my blog. I am happy to know that you enjoyed my post. If you look at the archive, I am sure you will read many posts that will help you gain a better understanding of the Old Testament.

      Claude Mariottini

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Freida says:

    I, like Lydia was looking for the true meaning of the words I was singing. I’m so happy that you were able to break it down for me.
    Thank you Mr. Mariottini!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Freida,

      Most people in the church of which I was a pastor did not know the meaning of those words either. I am glad to know that my post helped you. I hope you visit my blog often. I seek to write posts that clarifies difficult issues in the Bible.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Anna Knafo says:

    I am a fluent Hebrew speaker. I knew the El Shaddai song when I was little and I liked it a lot. Back then I knew no Hebrew :), but I knew that El Shaddai was G-d’s name.
    Now after a lot of years I wanted to hear this song again, and I looked for its lyrics. The few versions of the word “Erkamka” or “Erkahmka”… It intrigued me, since it didn’t sound to me “love” (well, I know the spoken Hebrew, not the high Hebrew) I searched for more info. I knew there should be the “מך…” ending. First I got to website, where someone else asked teh same question, and in the answer your website was quoted.

    The explanation is really good and with the “true spirit of the Bible”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anna,

      Thank you for visiting my blog. I am glad to know that my post was helpful to you. Many people sing that song, but they do not know the meaning of the words.

      My blog has moved to my new web page. Visit the new site of my blog, read my post today, then subscribe to my blog and receive all my posts as they are published. My new site is Dr. Mariottini.


  5. crusader says:

    Chet ח is guttural, it does not sound like an “h”. ה has an “h” sound, not ח


    • Claude Mariottini says:


      I know that. However, I was using the transliteration that the author used to write his song.

      Thank you for your comment.

      Claude Mariottini


  6. Aida says:

    Wonderful article! I pray you prosper in all you do so that those of us that are not as knowledgeable as you can continue to learn about the Word.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. C Taylor says:

    wow. thanks. my research stemmed from my research of my devotions this morning as I read Psalm 91. I read the reference for the Almighty…Shaddai. Then I remembered the song I used to love. I usually mumbled thought that part, but I went to YouTube to enjoy the song once more and found you. Thanks again.


    • Dear C. Taylor,

      Thank you for your comment. I apologize for the delay in answering your comment. My blog was out for several days for repairs.

      I am glad you found my blog. I write about Old Testament issues that are of interest to all. I hope you will visit again.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini


  8. John says:

    This is an excellent explanation of something that has bothered me for a long time. As a Hebrew fluent Jew, and lover of Jesus, the mistranslation in this, admittedly, beautiful song has made me crazy.

    Whales worse, there was no need for the mistranslation in order to keep the lyrics fluid. Erhameka Adonai would remain as fluid.

    Liked by 1 person

    • John,

      Thank you for your comment. I apologize for the delay in answering your comment. My blog was out for several days for repairs.

      The problem is that the writer probably did not know Hebrew and he depended on the Strong concordance to find out how the words were pronounced.

      The lesson I convey to my students: every pastors and seminary student should study Hebrew.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini


  9. Izabela says:

    Thank you so much for the explanation.
    I just wander as I really like the song, what translation would you suggest for this part singing in Hebrew? Would you change it all or just a little?


    • Claude Mariottini says:


      Thank you for your comment. It is amazing how many people sing this song without understanding its meaning.

      It is impossible to make the correction in Hebrew because it would change the song completely. One would had to almost rewrite the song.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini


      • Sharon Johnson says:

        I appreciate the the explanation of the name and how you arrived at it. I had just finished praying to God about my sister and asking him for mercy. The Holy Spirit requested El Shaddai. When I try to sing the song along with Amy. He had me stumble over the Erkamka na Adonai (as if something was not right). So, I went to the internet and found you. I know now that the Holy Spirit was leading me to the mercy of GOD. I recite and praise the names of GOD as part of my worship and prayers. I am led, by the HOLY SPIRIT to do this. Thank you. GOD bless.


      • Sharon,

        Thank you for your comment. I apologize for the delay in answering your comment. My blog was out for several days for repairs.

        It is amazing how the Holy Spirit works. Many times when we do not know what to do, the Spirit guides us to a place where we can find the answer. I am sure that God answered your prayer on behalf of your sister. The ministry of intercessory prayer is a ministry that more Christian should accept.

        Thank you for visiting my blog.

        Claude Mariottini

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Ilza Medeiros says:

    O senhor não sabe por quanto tempo eu procurei o significado dessa palavra. Sou de Natal -RN e congrego na Igreja Batista Regular Fundamentalista. Que o teu conhecimento aqui compartilhado redunde sempre em edificação para aqueles que dele se apropriam.


    • Ilza,

      Muito obrigado por suas palavras de afirmacao. Me alegro saber que o meu estudo serviu para clarificar o significado deste hino de louvor.

      Eu sou do Rio e agora ensino Velho Testament aqui nos Estados Unidos.

      Visite a minha blog con frequencia e vode aprendera mais do Velho Testamento.

      Claude Mariottini


  11. John Robert says:

    Am so grateful for your translation of this song. I only knew El shadai but could’t pronounce other words. God bless U


    • John,

      Thank you for your nice words. Many people sing this song without understanding the meaning of the words. I am glad to know you enjoyed the post.

      I hope you will visit my blog again.

      Claude Mariottini


  12. Pingback: Studies on the Name of God | A disciple's study

  13. Mike Botha says:

    Dear Claude,

    I have loved this song since I heard it for the first time. I like the musicality as well as the words. Being a Hebrew student, the word erkamka bothered me until I came across your blog. Thank you so much for enlightening this old student of the ancient words.We will be singing the corrected version in our congregation form now on.

    YHVH bless you in the work you are doing.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Mike,

      I am glad to know that my post helped you understand the meaning of the word and also helped you sing that beautiful song with a better understanding of its meaning.

      By the way, welcome to my blog. If you go to Archive you will find many other posts that I know you will enjoy reading. Also, you can subscribe to my blog. This way you will receive all my posts by email.

      Claude Mariottini


  14. Ann Tedrow says:

    I have been leading a class on the Hebrew Names of God, today is on El Shaddai. I listened to Amy singing the song and saw the Hebrew word, Erkamka na Adonai. Of course I wanted to know what it meant. Thank you for explaining it. I will take that knowledge to my class today. I love His Hebrew Names. I have found myself closer to my Father by learning more of Him. Ann

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Dawn Adell says:

    Wow! Thank you. I’m growing in grace daily and this is a wonderful eye opener. I’ve loved that song and today I woke up singing it…don’t know why other than God wanted to teach me more. I’m so glad my search engine brought up your article.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dawn,

      This is a beautiful song that has helped many people to worship God in a better way.

      I am glad you found my blog. I hope you will subscribe to my blog so that you can receive all my posts by email.

      Claude Mariottini


  16. oyvindangelskar says:

    I just started reading the Genesis, and stopped at the explanation of the name of God used in Genesis 2, 4, that additionally referred to the full explanation in the last pages of my Bible. There I found the names El, Elohim, Eloah, Adonai, Sebaot and Sjaddai (Norwegian punctation). I then started to think of this song, that I often have wondered about the meaning of. The tough ones was the words Elyon and Erkamka.

    This is the only serious explanation I have found. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Jan B. Smith says:

    Do you have an email list I can join. I’m making the effort to study the WORD, but I want its true meaning. Please help.


    • Jan,

      I do not have an email list. However, you can subscribe to my blog and receive all my posts by email. My posts are designed to help people gain a better understanding of the Old Testament. I would like also to encourage you to read my book. In the book I study several difficult passages in the Old Testament. You can find the link to my book in my blog.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini


  18. Wendel says:

    Perfeita explicação sobre a expressão ERKAMKA NA ADONAI. Pude, agora, entender a letra da música EL SHADDAI, de Michael Card.
    Deus o abençoe.


  19. Makondo Lungile says:

    Thanks so much. I love this song and now I understand it


  20. Tony Williams says:

    I always figured it was an adoration of some sorts toward God, the Lord. Thanks for the education.


  21. David Palizzolo says:

    What would be a good replacement for this word in the song?


  22. theJ says:

    Thank you, sir.


  23. Psalmist Wendy Gonzalez says:

    Pastor Mariottini,

    This is a wonderful explanation!
    I am a Psalmist and have an invite to give The word on January 2017 and when I asked The LORD what does He wants me to speak about I clearly heard His voice telling me to teach on (El Cancana) “spanish” I rapidly started to study looking in to The bible and I remember the song (El Shaddai), founded followed by your explanation I have a very clear way to continue on to spreading the Word and worshiping His name. Excelent!
    Thank you so much for your wisdom. This article has brought tears to my eyes and contentment to my Spirit. I bless you in Christ Jesus name. 🙂

    Thank you!!


    • Wendy,

      Thank you for your nice words. This song is very beautiful but few people know the meaning of the words in the song. I pray that your presentation will bless many people. I also hope you will subscribe to my blog and read my future posts.

      Claude Mariottini


  24. Vilma says:

    Hi Sir. My name is Vilma. I’m born in Brazil. My English is bad, but I can to read. I want to say, thanks for that is explanation. It was a great help. Very clear and pertinent. Thanks and God bless you. Vilma


    • Vilma,

      Muito obrigado por ter visitado a minha blog.

      I am glad that you have visited my blog and enjoyed reading my post. I am also from Brazil and I always welcome Brazilians to my blog.

      Come back again.

      Claude Mariottini


  25. Alirio Martinez says:

    Thank you for sharing such a great insight in regards to the meaning of this song. It is must appreciated.


  26. Be Inspired says:

    I did enjoy this. You could have shared more but…, thanks for sharing what few address.


  27. I didn’t want to leave this page without commenting on the quality of your research and explanation. I was in a devotional, and the words came up, (El Elyon) and a quick search brought me to your post. I had the time to read and found you did the most illuminating entry I found. Thank You.


    • Robert,

      Thank you for your nice words. Many people sing this song without understanding the meaning of the words. I am glad to know that my post was helpful to you.

      Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini


  28. Samuel says:

    I agree thank you


  29. Carol says:

    Thank you this song vring great joy to my spirit


  30. Great explanation. I’m currently studying and learning biblical Hebrew,and I was confused by the word just now when this song was playing in my car. I looked up the lyrics and then found your post. Thank you. I wish more people didn’t take for granted how meaningful the ancient Hebrew language is.


  31. Carlos says:

    Wonderful. I felt in my heart that something was wrong with the word erkamkana . Thank your explain that for us all


    • Carlos,

      The words of these beautiful song are difficult to understand because most people do not know Hebrew. I am glad that my post help you understanding the words of this song. Thank you for visiting my blog.

      Claude Mariottini


  32. Angie Longoria says:

    I truly love the post. I would love to learn Hebrew but I know it’s hard. I’m to old to learn it might sound dull but I find it so fascinating the language and to know it was spoken back then. Will I have a lot to say but I love the post and I’m going to learn on my own and that post inspired me. Thank you so much.


    • Angie,

      It is never too late to learn another language. You can learn Hebrew from a school or synagogue near you. There are many places online where you can learn Hebrew as well as books that can help you learn o your own. I wish you well and hope that you will make your dream come true.

      Claude Mariottini


  33. Missy Richmond says:

    El Shaddhai has been one of my favorite Gospel songs since I was a small child. I’m 45 now. I’ve been curious my whole life as to what the words meant. I’ve read brief translations many times, but your explanation went the extra steps that I’ve needed. I adore words and language. I feel strongly that we shouldn’t speak words if we don’t know their meanings, as what if we’re repeating something against our principles? Words have great powers. Thank you for helping me to understand. Your blog is well written and very easy to follow. It’s very thorough and satisfactorily explanatory. I appreciate your time and knowledge!


    • Missy,

      Thank you for your nice words. Many people sing this beautiful song without really understanding what they are singing. This was the reason I wrote this post.

      I am glad that you enjoyed reading my post. I invite you to develop a deeper appreciation for the Old Testament by subscribing to my blog. By subscribing to my blog you will receive all my future posts whenever they are published.

      Claude Mariottini


  34. Josh says:

    I just want to say thank you for explaining that in more detail.


  35. Ino says:

    Yes so true; Strongs is a good reference but it often drops letters from words. Then the blueletter bible uses strong’s for both Hebrew/Greek transliteration’s or interlinear Bibles. Don’t get burn for Hebrew use Hebrew congregation of tenses and spelling for pronouns.

    Thank you for pointing out this transliteration issue!


  36. soupea says:

    I don’t do Facebook or Twitter or any social media. How else can I subscribe to your blog?


  37. archi acosta says:

    Excelente exlplicacion me gusto de hecho me fascina todolo que tenga que ver con el hebreo biblico…sludos …bendiciones


  38. Christopher Williams says:

    Thank you , as a child of the living God, I love the Hebrew language. Being able to study translations from Hebrew to English really open up meaning in the English bible. I’d love to learn Hebrew. It’s a beautiful language to my ears. God Bless


    • Christopher,

      I am glad you enjoyed my post. I am also glad to know that you want to learn Hebrew. There are some classes online, but you have to be careful because some of the may be fake. You can go to a Junior College in you area or to a Jewish synagogue. Some of them offer Hebrew classes.

      Claude Mariottini


  39. Katheryn Page says:

    Thank you so VERY much for this explanation. I am recording this song and I want it to be correct. I thank God that I found this. WHEW!!!
    Katheryn Page


  40. Dr Vincent Onuoha says:

    This is biblical exposition. No wonder you are a professor of your discipline. I searched and got the lyrics of the song El Shaddai. I was confused and disturbed by the expression “Erkamka na Adonai”. “Erkamka” sounded like “Eckankar”. Now, I am settled. Like you observed, the are great lessons to christian literature translations. Its similar to the term ” Jehova”.


  41. Dr Vincent Onuoha says:

    This is biblical exposition. No wonder you are a professor of your discipline. I searched and got the lyrics of the song El Shaddai. I was confused and disturbed by the expression “Erkamka na Adonai”. “Erkamka” sounded like “Eckankar”. Now, I am settled. Like you observed, there are great lessons to christian literature translations. It is similar to the term ” Jehova”.


  42. Joey Kent says:

    I took quite a journey to get to this posting and, along the way, I picked up some viewpoints that I’d like to share. I have found 3s everywhere in life and believe all constructs are 3 sided because the pyramid is the strongest such construct. If you see this song as the coming together of three different viewpoints, three different cultures and interpretations, three different ages of progression – past, present, and future (also tenses), then a song that speaks of WE (the combining of 2 or more into 1), and addresses not the well documented past or the known present, but the as yet known future by saying through known faith that WE WILL, then I find great comfort in knowing WE as a united, collected people of the world (From Many, One – E Pluribus Unum) WILL LOVE, and from our perspective here on Earth, as a collective people, we would be addressing the Other, which would be as YOU, and meaning the LORD, the one True God, who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha (A) and the Omega, represented by an unbroken circle we call O, Omega from our perspective because we are waiting for his return at the End of Times here on Earth. When that happens, the third part of the Trinity, the divine Triangle will be complete, and the shape that is repeatedly used in math to plot the points of a circle, and create the stunning beauty of a Nautilus as it spirals out from the center or starts big and ends up small, depending on your perspective, will be complete. REMEMBER the Trinity, and RESPECT the different Perspectives of others, and the REST, with change, will come in time. My thanks for providing an understanding of this historic phrase so that I might come to understand the beautiful song that, no matter the grammar, proclaims a wonderful message.


  43. Marian says:

    Thank you


  44. Great job! That was a great clarification.
    I’m a Gordon Connell OT graduate. But was stumped because of the sound. Clarifying how it is from רחם and matching it with Psalm 118 put it together. Thanks! I have a pre-published work on the names of God and this was delightful. Can I add this to it and cite it? Eric Villanueva,


    • Eric,

      It is amazing how many people sing this great song without knowing the meaning of the words.

      You can cite my post in your book. Congratulations on writing the book. When will the book be published?

      Claude Mariottini


  45. Lina says:

    Gracias por traducir para nosotros estas frases, porque es más bien maluco cantar alabanzas a nuestro señor sin saber su significado.

    Muchas gracias Dr Mariottini


    • Lina,

      Esta es una hermosa canción, pero muchos cristianos no saben lo que significan las palabras.

      Gracias por visitar mi blog. Estoy planeando publicar mis posts en español. ¿Crees que esto ayudará a los cristianos en América Latina a aprender mas del Antiguo Testamento?

      Claude Mariottini


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