>The Peoples’ Bible

Fortress Press has announced the publication and the release date for The Peoples’ Bible. The following information has been supplied by Fortress Press to describe the content and purpose of The Peoples’ Bible:

The Peoples’ Bible highlights the role of cultures in shaping the Bible and the way people read the Bible today.

Relying on the best insights of historical-critical, liberationist, postmodern, and postcolonial interpretation, the contributors include the editors of the volume plus Kosuke Koyama, Randal C. Bailey, Fernando F. Segovia, Elsa Tamez, Clarice Martin, Hee An Choi, Gale A. Yee, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher, and many more.

This Bible is unique in its aim to engage culture then and now and includes the following unique features:

Introductory essays highlighting profound issues of culture, ethnicity, and identity.

Feature boxes that reveal insights from African American, Asian American, Latino, and Native American perspectives.

ISBN: 978-0-8066-5625-0
Price: $35.00
Specs: 6.45″ x 8.875″, Hardcover, 1600 pages
Release: November 2008

I am one of the contributors to The Peoples’ Bible. I wrote the introduction to Joel and Jonah.

Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

Buy this Bible at Amazon.com.


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