>It’s a Girl

>On this Christmas Day I am thinking of a beautiful little girl, born to being joy to the world.

No, I am not talking about the child born in Bethlehem. I am talking about my new granddaughter who was born three days before Christmas.

When my son said, “It’s a girl,” I was very happy, because this new granddaughter came to our family as a Christmas gift.

I told my son’s wife to wait until December 24 to give birth to her baby. If she had done so, the little girl would have been born on my birthday. However, my son’s wife insisted that she was ready to deliver, and the baby girl was born two days before the ideal date.

Now, I have five granddaughters. My family is growing and each new granddaughter brings additional joy to our family. It is great being a grandfather.

“It’s a boy!” This is what Mary probably told Joseph when their first child was born in Bethlehem more than two thousand years ago. That boy came to bring joy, not only to a family, but to the whole world.

Children bring joy to their parents, grandparents, and family members. Children are gifts from a gracious God for the happiness of His children.

But, that child of Bethlehem was a special gift. That child came to bring joy to people everywhere. He was God’s special gift to humanity.

On this Christmas Day, I want to wish you and your loved ones peace, joy, and happiness. May you enjoy the fellowship of your loved ones and may the grace of God be manifested in your celebration on this special day.

Boys and girls. They are gifts from God to us. But, that boy born to Joseph and Mary is God’s best gift to us. May the child of Bethlehem brighten you day today and every day in the New Year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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7 Responses to >It’s a Girl

  1. Jeffrey says:

    >Merry Christmas!Glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  2. >Congratulations with your granddaughter


  3. airtonjo says:

    >Claude,Parabéns por mais uma netinha (e por seu próprio aniversário, ontem!).Continuemos nosso empenho para que o mundo se torne um lugar cada vez melhor, um mundo mais solidário, um mundo no qual suas netas possam viver feliz.A você e à sua família desejo um Feliz Natal e um tranquilo e próspero 2010.AbraçosAirton


  4. airtonjo says:

    >…como dizem por aqui, desculpem nossa falha: "…possam viver felizes"!


  5. miykayah says:

    >Congratulations with your granddaughter and congratulations with your own birthday!


  6. >Praise God for another life in your family! Peace.


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