Congratulations Class of 2014

Graduates 2014 2








Image: Graduating Class of 2014

Northern Baptist Seminary’s Commencement Ceremony was held on Saturday, June 7, 2014. At that time, the seminary welcomed 51 students into the alumni family. Now, our graduates go out to carry out God’s work in the world.

It was my honor and pleasure to open the Commencement Ceremony with the invocation prayer. Below is the invocation given at graduation:


Gracious Father,

We come before your presence to honor these men and women whom you have called to carry out your work in the world. They have been obedient to your call and they have prepared themselves for the ministry of the Word.

They have worked hard to finish their education. They have learned much over these many months and years of study, and now, they are equipped for the good work to which you have called them.

Endow them with your grace. Empower them with the gifts of your Holy Spirit. Fill them with the love of Christ. As they go, may their lives be a blessing to many. As they minister, may their ministry be blessed and fruitful. May their light shine in the midst of darkness so that the people who are walking in darkness may see the true light of Jesus Christ.

Today we honor Jesus Christ who, through his death and resurrection, makes our work possible.

Bless our celebration today. Bless our speaker and let his words encourage those who are graduating today. Accept our worship and our declaration of praise.

We pray and ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


We know that God has a special ministry for this special group of people. They go with our prayers and gratitude for their dedication.

May the LORD bless them and keep them;
May the LORD make his face to shine upon them, and be gracious to them;
May the LORD lift up his countenance upon them, and give them peace.

Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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4 Responses to Congratulations Class of 2014

  1. Stephanie Franco says:

    Hi Dr. Mariottini,
    Thank you for posting the graduation picture. It is so inspiring for me to see my classmates complete this remarkable journey. I can’t wait to join them! May God bless them on their new adventures of faith.


    • Stephanie,

      Graduation is a welcome day in the life of our students. Someday we will see you receiving your diploma and that will be a day of great rejoicing for you and your family.

      God bless you as you continue your theological education.

      Claude Mariottini


  2. Gail Rice says:

    Thank you, Dr. Marriottini! It was such an awesome day which I looked forward to with much excitement and anticipation. Your prayer was beautiful and certainly helped set the tone for the remainder of the ceremony.


    • Gail,

      Here at Northern Seminary we are proud of our students and their accomplishments. Graduation is the reward they receive for hard work and faithful commitment to the call of Christ. I pray for each student who graduated this year, asking God’s blessings upon their ministry.

      May the Lord continue to bless you in your ministry and in your work for Jesus Christ.

      Claude Mariottini


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