Studies on the Death of Bathsheba’s Child

David and Bathsheba Mourning over Their Dead Son
by Salomon Koninck (1609–1656)
Wikimedia Commons

David’s adultery with Bathsheba brought untold misery to David and his family. David took Bathsheba and then caused the death of Uriah, her husband. As a result of David’s illicit relationship with Bathsheba, a child was born.

When the prophet Nathan came to rebuke David, he said: “‘Now the LORD has put away your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the LORD, the child that is born to you shall die.’ Then Nathan went to his house. The LORD struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and it became very ill” (2 Samuel 12:13-15). Although David fasted and prayed, the child died one week after being born.

This episode has raised moral problems in the minds of many people. How could the Lord make the child so ill that the child died? In the three studies below I deal with the moral problem of the death of Bathsheba’s child and offer a possible answer to this difficult moral problem.

Here are the links to the three studies on the death of Bathsheba’s child:

The Death of Bathsheba’s Child – Part 1

The Death of Bathsheba’s Child – Part 2

The Death of Bathsheba’s Child – Part 3

NOTE: For other studies on Bathsheba, read my post Bathsheba, The Wife of Uriah.

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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6 Responses to Studies on the Death of Bathsheba’s Child

  1. navcad56 says:

    Terrific study. Thank you. really enjoy your posts.

    Bob Lewis

    On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 3:00 AM, Dr. Claude Mariottini – Professor of Old


  2. Bette Cox says:

    The links to part 2 and 3 do not direct properly, they bring up someone else’s website.


    • Bette,

      Thank you for your email. I checked the links using Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer and all links seem to be working now.

      Please, check them again. If you have a problem, please send me an email and I will try to make different corrections. The site that you mentioned was bought by an individual who wants to explore my name and reputation.

      If you enjoyed the posts, let people know by putting a link on your Facebook page. The issue of these studies is important because of what people think about God.

      Claude Mariottini


  3. Deborah Bridgewater says:

    I find this study intriguing. I want to inform you that the links from your blog take the reader to an ad. I could only follow the study by returning to this email. I believe your site has been hacked. Thank you so much for sharing your studies.    


    • Deborah,

      I have checked the links with Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer and they seem to be working now.

      Please, check them again. If you have a problem, please send me an email and I will try to make different corrections. The site that you mentioned was bought by an individual who wants to explore my name and reputation.

      If you enjoyed the posts, let people know by putting a link on your Facebook page. The issue of these studies is important because of what people think about God.

      Claude Mariottini


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