Domestic Abuse in Christian Homes

Terry Loving at Domestic Abuse in Christian Homes has a list of resources for women who are abused by their husbands. Terry speaks out of her own experience and the resources she lists were written by women who also write from personal experience.

Domestic abuse is a crime that deserves punishment. The tragic thing about domestic violence is that it happens more often than people realize. The greatest tragedy about domestic violence is when the abuse is done by men who are in the pulpit.

Visit Terry’s blog and recommend her blog to women who are being abused by their husbands or significant other.

Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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2 Responses to Domestic Abuse in Christian Homes

  1. Terry Loving says:

    Hello Claude,

    Thank you for recommending my blog and resources. It is always wonderful to meet – even in cyberspace – a fellow warrior speaking out against abuse. I agree with you, “Domestic abuse is a crime that deserves punishment.”

    Prayerfully, our churches will wake up and begin to join the fight, and see abuse as the sin that it is.

    Stay strong!


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