Under Construction

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am revamping my web page with the help of a good friend who knows how to work with web pages.  The new web page, which will also include my blog, will be launched on Monday, December 12, 2011.

Before the new web page can be launched, I need to make a few adjustments and the final check on the new design.  For this reason, I will not post again until Monday.  However, before the launching of the new blog on Monday, I will post announcements Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with the new URL for the blog.

I have been blogging for a few years now.  Over the years I have posted almost 1800 posts.  It takes time to migrate all those posts from one site to another.  The migration is almost completed now.  I will take the weekend to finish the transfer of all the posts.  Once the new web page goes live, I will also transfer my blog roll to the new blog.

I have to confess that changing an URL is not fun.  I was forced to change one time because when Google decided not to provide services for FTP, I had to open a sub-domain with Google.  I used Blogger until I moved to WordPress.  I like WordPress and I will continue blogging with WordPress.  However, by using my own domain, I will be able to do things with my blog that a sub-domain with WordPress would not allow me to do.  This is the reason that I will have a new URL.

My post on Monday will be Part 3 of series on the social concern of Deuteronomy.  Over the Christmas holidays I will be preparing a new series of posts that I hope to begin posting in January.  I hope you will enjoy my new series.

Thank you for your support and the encouragement I have received from so many of you.

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4 Responses to Under Construction

  1. Alexi George says:

    Thanks for inspiring us. Will look for the new site.


  2. Tiffany says:

    I don’t know how I stumbled upon your blog a few hours ago, but have been enthusiastically engrossed in it. Thank you.


    • Tiffany,

      Welcome to my blog. I am glad you found the blog and that you are enjoying the posts. My blog is moving to a new site on Monday. I will have the new URL posted on Saturday. I will see you again on Monday.

      Claude Mariottini


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