Not for Women Only


On Friday, April 23, 2010, the faculty of Northern Seminary are sponsoring a panel discussion entitled, “Not for Women Only: Affirming the Equal Calling of Women and Men to the Ministry of the Gospel.” The event is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m.

There is tension in scripture regarding the relationship of gender and ministry and all are invited to come and learn how others with a high view of scripture navigate these important questions.

Through panel discussion and the fielding of audience questions, members of Northern’s faculty will 1) Present their own journeys toward supporting the equal partnership of males and females in church ministry and 2) Respond earnestly to audience questions.

Faculty participating in the discussion include: Jeff Hubing, Claude Mariottini, Ricky Freeman, Alistair Brown, Charlie Cosgrove, and Tracy Smith Malone.

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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6 Responses to Not for Women Only

  1. Jean Sharp says:

    >Thanks for this announcement! It sounds very interesting!Where is this discussion to be held?


  2. >Jean,This event will take place at Northern Baptist Seminary. The public is invited and the conference is free. If you live within driving distance, I hope you will be able to attend.Claude Mariottini


  3. >Fascinating. I would love to be there for this. In the meantime, I will live vicariously through you. Have a blessed day!


  4. >Sherrice,I also wish you could attend this conference. It promises to be very affirming to way God can use women in the ministry.Claude Mariottini


  5. >Claude,I received the email publicizing this event, and I am wondering if you can clarify the purpose of this event? Also, I am wondering if the seminary and others find it odd, as I do, that the event is about "equal partnership" but there are five men and one woman on the panel?


  6. >Chris,The purpose of the conference is to affirm that God also calls women to positions in ministry. The reason that there are several men and only one woman is to emphasize that men affirm women in ministry.Many people who reject women in ministry are men. The men in the program are there to affirm the women and their call to ministry.Claude Mariottini


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