>Google Earth Discovers Atlantis

>If you go to Google Earth on your PC, check the following coordinates: 31 15’15.53N, 24 15’30.53W. What you will see is a rectangle on the ocean floor that some people say is the lost city of Atlantis.

You can see the picture here.

However, in an article here, Google Earth has denied that the rectangle is a picture of Atlantis.

Do not believe that what you will see is the lost city of Atlantis. Of course, only those people who want to believe that Atlantis can be found would associate what they see in the rectangle with the lost city of Atlantis.

Claude Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary



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5 Responses to >Google Earth Discovers Atlantis

  1. >Hi…I came across your blog…This is very interesting…I am going to pass it around…WOW!!


  2. Fred says:

    >Personally, I don’t believe that Atlantis really exists. Because there hasn’t been any solid proof. All of them were mostly hunches and theories. But by the first time I saw this article I had my second thought. But then again, it was admitted that it was not Atlantis. So there, I guess I would just believe if there has been a real proof of it.


  3. >Carrie,Welcome to my blog. I am happy to know that you like the content of my blog. I write in order to help people develop a better appreciation for the Old Testament. I also write about issues on the news, archaeology, and topics of interest. If you or your friends like my blog and have issues or topics you want me to write about, I am always open to suggestions.Claude Mariottini


  4. >Fred,I agree with you. I think that when Plato mentioned Atlantis, he probably was referring to some place that was well known in his days. The Atlantis of myths and legends is just that: a legend created by people with fertile minds.Thank you for visiting my blog.Claude Mariottini


  5. pacomio47 says:

    >La Atlantida existió, y Platón describió detallamente en donde estaba, y ese lugar es el que aparece en Google Earth, a parte de que sea eso, o no. Los escritores griegos, Homero, Pindaro, Estrabon, también escribieron sobre los Campos Elíseos, el lugar donde habitaban los dioses. Y ese lugar fue descrito también en donde estaba, pues bien, está en Canarias, lo visitan cientos de miles de turistas al año, y encima es el origen de nuestra religión, y explica el misterio de la Santisima Trinidad, la iglesia nos enseñó y nunca entendimos.http://valdeande.110mb.com/camposeliseos/camposeliseos.html


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